Monday, March 14, 2011

What if...? (Punishments)

Defamation – harm done to a person’s reputation, and slander (spoken) versus libel (written)
Whether a statement is seen or heard by a third party or parties
Whether the identity of the target is clear
Anonymity – does it make the perpetrator more or less responsible?
Harassment – what does it involve?
Duty to provide a safe work or study environment – what roles do schools and teachers play?
Right to freedom of expression – what limits should be placed on it?
Right to security of person – should people be protected from written or verbal attacks?
Defences and confounding factors – what makes a possibly libellous statement okay?
Truth – when the statement is accurate
Fair comment - a legitimate journalistic intent
“The reasonable person” - how offensive does something have to be before it becomes libellous?


Sensory perception is when you use your senses, sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste to identify and witness something.

Interpretations is when you see, hear, touch, smell or taste something and your mind links it with your existing ideas.

What would a biologist think of a tree? Or a logger? Or an environmentalist? And what does a native from Sarawak think of a tree?

A biologist would probably think that a tree is made up of a cells and that a tree basically 'swaps' carbon dioxide with oxygen. A logger thinks that a cutting down that tree will bring him money. An environmentalist will probably think that the tree is something we have to save, because it brings us oxygen. A native might think that the tree has some useful properties for medicine.

So, how does our education and culture affect our perception?

Not only each person has a different perception, also our culture and education play a huge role in this. Nationality and religion will probably have an effect on it as well. This is because in some countries the death penalty is a way to escape the crime someone committed, while in other countries they think it's good to get rid of criminals. Of course, there are other examples as well, but I can't really think of any on the top of my head. I'm blank -.-"