Thursday, February 16, 2012

Peer Assessment Reflection

This week we've received peer assessment from another group. They pointed out that in our project we have only put down our research and not our opinions on the research, or explained it. So, what we are going to do is to improve our project by explaining our research and putting at the end of each research topic our opinions on the research. We also saw some things that the other group had that we wanted to include in our project as well. All in all, it greatly helped us improve our project and we're busy making the changes.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Succes Criteria for Smart Searching

To learn how to search effectively.
To understand a different type of researching
To practice this.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gantt Chart Reflection

A Gantt chart is something to help you organise your projects. You can use it to see when you could do more things at the same time, as well as what is linked to each other. Also, you can figure out what definitely needs to be done after another and what you can't do before another important thing in your project. Gantt charts are incredibly useful to organise projects. As I said before, it makes you realise what things you can do at the same time, what you can't do without another task and which tasks are linked to each other. It's easy to see and easy to use. My top tips would be to colour code tasks. Each member of a group has a different colour that they represent. And if there is something that all members need to do, then I'd suggest taking another colour that means "every member" so that you only have to look at 2 colours for the tasks that you need to do. I'd also suggest linking important tasks together and to see which tasks you need to do before you can do another.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Group Reflection

I think we work all right with each other. We talk to each other, discuss our ideas and split our group into different things that we had to research. Then, we figured that we would do our fishbone diagram on friday (today) and we split our research into headings to make it easier for us. It was nice to work with each other as we all have different opinions, though they do overlap sometimes. Thanks to this practice group project we learn how we work together and how we can improve it. I do think that we need to discuss more, and not it the nice and easy way that we do right now. A little bit more heated would be cool. That way it might be more interesting as we now have quite similar opinions.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Team Work!!!

A successful team is a group of people who are able to work together without any conflicts or arguments. And they are also a group of people who have good teamwork.

The definition of teamwork:
Teamwork is when all the people contribute, communicate, are open to ideas and opinions and each have an equal amount of work.

Team expectations :
- To be able to create a successful end-product
- To be able to work efficiently and effectively together as a team
(contribution, time management etc...)
- To be able to find a way to make our sleep-a-thon successful

Monday, May 2, 2011

Humans And Other Species

What Makes Us Human?
Well, let's first break it down into: "What makes us different from animals?" Well, (Gosh, again with the 'well', I have to find another word) first of all, and I'm guessing the most obvious, we can actually talk. We can say what we think, unlike parrots or canaries or whatever kind of bird just copies someone's speech. Also, we are more intelligent than other animals, even if we aren't all Einsteins. We also are the only 'organism', 'animal' to discover, and make, fire.

So. What does make us human?
Well, (Yes, I know I'm using it again, but I couldn't find any other words. I even looked up in the dictionary and couldn't find any alternatives. I also asked Nadiah....) first off, we all make mistakes. We aren't perfect, even if we appear to be. There will always be a flaw. It's what makes us human. Second, we use tools. Such as but not limited to (MUN :D ) computers, pens, machines etc. Actually, basically everything we make is in some way a tool. Except babies. And third, well, (Ugh, I know. Again.) I can't think of any more reasons, 'cause this is a very hard question. Maybe I should say that we are human because we don't have any horcruxes, like he-who-must-not-be-named, Lord Voldemort.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What if...? (Punishments)

Defamation – harm done to a person’s reputation, and slander (spoken) versus libel (written)
Whether a statement is seen or heard by a third party or parties
Whether the identity of the target is clear
Anonymity – does it make the perpetrator more or less responsible?
Harassment – what does it involve?
Duty to provide a safe work or study environment – what roles do schools and teachers play?
Right to freedom of expression – what limits should be placed on it?
Right to security of person – should people be protected from written or verbal attacks?
Defences and confounding factors – what makes a possibly libellous statement okay?
Truth – when the statement is accurate
Fair comment - a legitimate journalistic intent
“The reasonable person” - how offensive does something have to be before it becomes libellous?