Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gantt Chart Reflection

A Gantt chart is something to help you organise your projects. You can use it to see when you could do more things at the same time, as well as what is linked to each other. Also, you can figure out what definitely needs to be done after another and what you can't do before another important thing in your project. Gantt charts are incredibly useful to organise projects. As I said before, it makes you realise what things you can do at the same time, what you can't do without another task and which tasks are linked to each other. It's easy to see and easy to use. My top tips would be to colour code tasks. Each member of a group has a different colour that they represent. And if there is something that all members need to do, then I'd suggest taking another colour that means "every member" so that you only have to look at 2 colours for the tasks that you need to do. I'd also suggest linking important tasks together and to see which tasks you need to do before you can do another.

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